Why visit The Hague? 3 reasons

The Hague
In the west of The Netherlands you can find another city which name is difficult to pronounce. I bet, you are finally able to pronounce “Enschede” (read my blog about this city here) now I give you the next challenge. And probably you will say “The Hague, it is not that difficult to pronounce?”, and that is true. Instead, try the official Dutch name: ’s-Gravenhage. Ready? Yes…
Anyway, I will continue with why you should visit this city!

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The Hague city center – photo credits

Why visit?
The Hague is not the capital of The Netherlands. However, the seat of the Dutch government is actually here, and also almost all embassies, and the International court of justice. Interesting, isn’t it? If that for you is not interesting enough: a couple of palaces of the Royal family are located here (Huis ten Bosch, and Noordeinde) and, you might be interested in this: the Dutch national library is located in The Hague! If you start wondering now why this could be interesting: it is because a couple of the buildings where there institutions are located are historical buildings, plus they are open for a visit! Also, most of these historical buildings are in the city center, and with the mix of contemporary achitecture it gives the city its specific skyline.

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Shopping! – photo credits

Why visit if…
The Hague is also a city with a large shopping center, and it contains lots of nice restaurants from different cultural backgrounds! This is also a way to fill a nice day out in The Hague, and still you can also enjoy some culture if you like. One of my tips is to visit the restaurant Penthouse. Reason is that this restaurent is located very high..!

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Kurhaus at the beach – photo credits

Why visit the city if there is also a…
I end this blog with the last reason why you should visit The Hague: it is the beach! The Hague has two large beach resorts, of which ‘Scheveningen’  is the most populair and most famous one. I myself really like to visit the beach for a walk when the weather is colder, and when the wind is causing high waves! At the beach there are also a lot of beach clubs, and therefore also during summer this is a nice place to chill out!

That’s why!
So, my conclusion is, whatever you are looking for in a city visit, you can find it in The Hague! Whether it is Dutch history, culture, shopping, or a cocktail in a beach club. The Hague is easy to travel to by train from Schiphol airport (approx 30 minutes).